The Lindbergh Kidnapping Hoax
Richard Sloan's ANNUAL Lindbergh Hauptmann Bronx Tour
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Annual Bronx Tour
story about 2008
Fifteen Related Sites will be visited!
NYC area residents wishing to use public transportation:
The #4 Lexington Ave. subway line stops at the corner
of 149th St. and Grand Concourse! (You can see the bus stop on 149th St. from
there, alongside the post office bldg.)
This is a great way to meet fellow students of the case. (And you never know who might be there!)
Saturday, May 1, is the date that a luxury tour bus will once again serve
as the time capsule that transports twenty-three passengers back in time to a most controversial chapter in American history -- the search for the Lindbergh baby and his kidnapper.
“The Crime of the Century,” as it is still known, stole all the headlines since the little boy’s father was Charles Lindbergh, who was America’s beloved hero at the time. While hundreds of reporters invaded the grounds of Lindbergh’s home in New Jersey (the scene of the crime) -- hoping to “scoop” each other on news of the baby’s whereabouts and the negotiations with the kidnapper, the story they were all competing for was secretly unfolding in -- of all places -- the Bronx!
Fifteen related sites will be visited during the six and a half hour tour. These include the exact spot in a cemetery where Dr. John Condon, Lindbergh’s enigmatic and colorful “go-between,” handed over $50,000 in ransom money; Condon’s house (which Lindbergh secretly visited twice!); convicted kidnapper Bruno Hauptman’s house; and the bakery where he claimed he had been on the night of the kidnapping.
The tour bus is lavatory-equipped and air conditioned. The VCR system enables participants to view old newsreels of some of the sites before they are about to visit them. An exclusive videotape will “take” participants inside Hauptmann’s house as it appears today, revealing a kitchen pantry and a bedroom closet that played important roles in the case. (The owner prohibits outsider from entering his house. However, he graciously gave the tour director, Richard Sloan, exclusive permission to videotape the interiors.) Participants will receive old pictures of the sites, enabling them to make comparisons with the way they appear today. They will also receive reproductions of the ransom notes that deal with some of the sites. Pre-selected box lunches will be distributed in Van Cortland Park, at one of the sites on the tour -- the shack where Hauptmann held a rendezvous with Dr. Condon.
In a traditional feature of the tour, a free raffle will be conducted of a half a dozen books associated with the kidnapping and Lindbergh -- all in very good condition.
Despite the rising price of gasoline, the price of this year’s tour is only $52. The tour bus will leave at 10:15 a.m. from the NW corner of 149th Street and the Grand Concourse (directly opposite the Post Office building.) This is a most convenient location, as the Lexington Avenue #4 subway stops there. For those traveling by car to the bus, an attended parking garage is located one short block away. (Their modest $5 fee is not included in the tour price.) The bus returns to this same intersection, at approximately 4:45 p.m.
To make reservations and for additional details, write to Richard Sloan, 141 Saint Marks Place, Massapequa, NY 11758, or email him at
ITINERARY: (In this order!) (All stops, except where noted, are w/disembarking ,
and plenty of time to soak it in.) (All are exteriors only, except the
Frederickson bakery stop)
1.SIte of Warner-Quinlan gas sta.
2.Bx. County Courthouse
3. (just a drive=by w/a quick stop to let people take a snapshot from across the
street) Max Rosenhain's restaurant on the Grand Concourse (now a diff. store)
4.Dr. Condon's house.
5. (If logistics permit; the street may be too narrow for the bus; so I won't
officially list this one yet) The apt. house where Anna went to live w/her niece
after the police kicked her out of her home. (Press reported Anna was stopped
from jumping off the roof here!) We'd see the exact spot (outside) where she and
Manfred posed for newsreel cameras with the playpen, when Anna sang a lullaby to
him and broke down in tears. (I'd show newsreel footage first)
6. (Drive - by only) Knox Place and Gun Hill Rd, where taxi driver Perrone was
waved down and given a dollar to deliver one of the ransom notes to Dr. Condon's
7.Site (now an empty area) of the large hotdog stand where one of the notes was
found, and where Condon found the note directing him to go up the block to
Woodlawn Cemetery.
8.Entrance to Woodlawn Cemetery where Condon first saw "Cemetery
9.Lunch will be served at the "shack" across the street. from Woodlawn, where Condon and "Cem. John"
sat for over an hour. (Now a brick shack, of similar dimensions.)
10.The store that had been the office and cash-and-carry store for the Nat'l
Millhouse lumberyard where Hauptmann bought his wood.
10.a. The building almost directly opposite, which had been a car dealership
where Hauptmann bought the car he was arrested while driving, and which he was
accused of using in the kidnapping.
11. Hauptmann's house and site of his garage.
12.The Jamaican Bakery that was formerly Frederickson's Bakery.
13. St. Raymond's Cemetery and site of the greenhouse nursery
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