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Dr. Edwin Albert Lodge's Homeopathic Manslaughter Trial 

Detroit, Michigan

May 20, 1862

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A description of the death and subsequent trial written on July 1862 by the defendant  - Charles Lindbergh's Great Grandfather, Dr. Edwin Albert Lodge, Homeopathic Practictioner in Detroit -  

 after having been acquitted of manslaughter involving the death of his Negro servant girl - Margaret Washington on Jan 15, 1862.

Dr E. A. Lodge was arraigned on February 4, 1862 and his Trial was held on May 20, 1862. 

Sixty five years later - to the very day - his great grandson will leave New York for Paris in the Spirit of St. Louis. 

Dr Lodge,  founding father of Homeopathy in Detroit, gave young Margaret Washington "about 35 drops of tincture" of Gelseminum Sempervirens - 

a dangerous drug for which there had not yet been any Homeopathic "proving." 

He used the servant girl for the "proving."  She died within an hour in his bedroom.    

He also claimed - at his trial - that he gave this drug to his children, as proof that he considered it harmless and that Margaret must have died from some other cause. 

Dr. Albert Lodge - son of Dr. Edwin A. Lodge,  Practiced Medicine Without a License (PDF)

In February, 1902 Charles Lindbergh's grandfather, Albert Lodge, was being expelled from his job as Medical Examiner of Wayne County in Detroit, Michigan. For practicing without a license!

GELSEMINUM - A Dangerous Drug

Specific Medication and Specific Medicines.

by John M. Scudder, M.D., 1870.

 Gelseminum Sempervirens. (Yellow Jessamine.)

The commercial tincture has been so variable in strength that much harm has

resulted from its use. In some cases the harm has been direct from over doses,

in others, indirect from depending upon a feeble or worthless remedy. Before the

war, we had a very crude tincture prepared from the green root, with proof

spirits (whisky ?), containing about as much of the medicinal properties as

could be held by such spirit. During the war, there being difficulty in obtaining a supply of the root, and greater difficulty in having it shipped

green, the tincture in the market gradually deteriorated until it was worthless.

Even yet it has not regained its medicinal properties with many druggers. We have thought that a good tincture could only he made from the fresh root.

 But some who have employed the dried root (not old), claim that it makes fully as reliable a tincture. 

Dr. Locke, of Newport, prepares his tincture from the dried root, and claims that it is more reliable than any he can buy.

It is not worth while to give a formula for the preparation of a tincture, as it will be purchased by a great majority of our readers. 

That which bears the label of "Specific Medicine" will be found very strong. Gelseminum exerts a specific influence upon the brain, and to a less extent upon

the spinal center and sympathetic. It relieves irritation and determination of blood, and the disordered innervation that flows from it. Probably there is no

remedy in the Materia Medica that is more direct and certain in its action. Given, a case of irritation and determination of blood to the brain, marked by

flushed face, bright eyes, contracted pupils, restlessness and irritability, we prescribe Gelseminum with certainty. This being a common complication in

diseases of childhood, it is especially the child’s remedy.  Acting in this direction, it lessens the frequency of the heart’s action, and

removes obstruction to the free flow of blood—a sedative. It also increases secretion in the same way, I do not think the Gelseminum exerts any important influence, other than through

this action upon the nervous system. But, as will be observed, this is a very important action.

It is contra-indicated where the circulation is feeble, and there is tendency to

congestion. Especially if there is a feeble circulation in the nerve centers. 

We never give it if the eyes are dull, pupils dilated, and the countenance

expressionless. In such cases, it may prove fatal in quite moderate doses. A

number of these cases are on record, three or four in which death was produced

by as small a dose  of a common tincture.

It has one other specific action, which is worthy of mention. It is the remedy

in dysuria from stricture, and will rarely fail in enabling the patient to pass urine in from four to eight hours.

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