The Lindbergh Kidnapping Hoax
Excerpts from a conference held on May 18th, 1932 regarding the Lindbergh case. Held in the office of Colonel H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Superintendent,
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by Judge W Dennis Duggan, JFC
reprinted from The Albany County Bar Association Newsletter 01/04
Thanks to Mark Falzini, Archivist, at
the NJ State Police Museum for contributing this important documentation.
Part Two of May 18th Conference
June 1, 1932 Police Conference
Present: -Mr. Nathan, Mr. Connelly and Mr. Fay from the Department of Justice;
Mr. Wilson and Mr. Madden, Treasury Department; Mr. Lanigan, Assistant Attorney
General, State of New Jersey; Prosecutor Marshall, Mercer County; Prosecutor
Hauck, Hunterdon County; Inspector Walsh, Jersey City Police Department; Colonel
Schwarzkopf, Major Schoeffel and Lieutenant Keaten, N.J. State Police.
[Pages 1-6 were discussions between Col. Schwarzkopf and Mr. Nathan regarding
jurisdiction and inter-agency co-operation. Page 7 begins a review of the facts
of the case] At the end of page 6, Schwarzkopf discusses the Board of Strategy:
Col. Schwarzkopf: My thought of this board of strategy would be I would
like to have the tree prosecuting authorities sit in on every meeting of that
board. The way the situation stands, the kidnapping was in one county, the body
found in another county We do not know if the murder was committed in the county
in which the body was found, Prosecutor Hauck has the kidnapping charge and
Prosecutor Marshall of Mercer County has the murder case. The murder case take
preeminence, however, if the murder was committed in Hunterdon County, it will
revert back to Prosecutor Hauck and the Attorney General's Department should
certainly be represented as Prosecutor Hauck has indicated he would call upon
the Attorney General to assist him should it revert back to his county. The
Prosecutor of Mercer and the Prosecutor of Hunterdon Counties and the Attorney
General's Department should form a very definite part of this board of strategy
to sit in consideration. I feel also the government agencies that have been
working on this case like Mr. Madden and Mr. Wilson should be a part of that
group and the Department of Justice and your representative, Mr. Fay and Mr. Fay
will now enter the immediate family of the investigators, it will be his case as
well as ours and should be among those present at these conferences and I think
together with my principal investigators who are Inspector Walsh and Lieutenant
Keaton who are thoroughly familiar with every phase of the case, that should
about form the group in addition; in addition to that I would want Major
Schoeffel here because throughout this case I have made very sure there was at
least one other person on the case who knew just as much about the case as I did
so if anything should happen to me it will not hinder the progress of the case
but there will be someone there to carry on; as nothing has happened to me and I
have taken that precaution that there should be someone ready to carry on I
think that would about make up our group, that is about the group we have at
this time; also Sergeant Moffatt of Newark. I know these gentlemen, the two
prosecutors and the assistant attorney general and I know their attitude is
never one of interference but rather one of an attempt to saturate themselves
with the details and the atmosphere of the case.
Prosecutor Hauck: The only reason I have been interested so much in the
case is that it is from my county.
Col. Schwarzkopf: I have been doing a lot of talking here so I am going
to ask one of these gentlemen to give a recitation of the details of the case.
Inspector Harry Walsh, Jersey City Police Department:
The important facts as I know them are that first, the baby evidently was taken
from its nursery window by means of a ladder which some time during the process
of taking out of there was broken. It is sectional, made of three sections, each
section if I remember right is 6' 8" long. Steps on two sections of the
ladder are morticed or countersunk as I understand it and after this ladder was
made up I am quite satisfied it broke, the Colonel will point out where the
break is. After the discovery of the baby kidnapping the ladder was found within
twenty feet of the house along side of a cedar tree. The police found the ladder
unassembled, two sections assembled and the third laid parallel on the ground.
Close to where the ladder was found there was a wood chisel, 3/4 of an inch in
width and a chisel that had seen some service and it was respected for its
mechanical use because of the razor-like edge. At the time of the kidnapping the
baby wore thumb guards, a wire contraption to prevent the baby from sucking its
thumbs; twenty-nine days after the baby had been kidnapped one wire guard was
found a half mile from the house at the entrance to the property, by the nurse,
Betty Gow. It is a wire contraption attached over the thumb with a piece of
half-inch tape and that tape forms a loop at this point and winds around the
wrist (indicating). This thumb guard was found in the middle of the road just
about half way between the two ruts. We place a significance on it and it was
found by Betty Gow. At the time of the kidnapping the window from which the baby
was stolen was closed after the crime had been perpetrated and on the window
sill was a note.
Mr. Nathan: One of the numerous stories is that there was a very heavy wind on
that night is that correct?
A. Yes.
Inspector Walsh: I explained that the ladder was broke. On the shutter of the
lower window there is an indentation, an attept to reconstruct the ladder
outside from the angle which the ladder was standing one part of the ladder used
caused a dent because of striking against the shutter. There were three windows
in that room all unlocked, one open, two of the windows had the shutters closed
and locked and the window entered was the one window that had the open shutter,
that was not locked. They went directly to the window that the shutter was not
Mr. Nathan: Could it have been fastened?
A. It was warped.
Inspector Walsh: The grounds about the house on this particular night was a
yellow clay and a lump of that clay had an impression in it, it would leave you
with the opinion whoever put it there had some sort of sock over his shoe, that
is how I was impressed. The note was on the window sill. The window was closed
and the note was left inside on the window sill.
This statement amplified by Col. Schwarzkopf.
Inspector Walsh: Another important fact as I see it is that if it has been
the habit of the family to come up on the week end and leave Sunday night or
Monday morning and this is the only occasion the family stayed on Tuesday. The
baby developed a cold and it became necessary for them to stay there on Tuesday
night and not until Tuesday morning at half-past ten did they definitely decide
that and the nurse left Englewood at twelve or between twelve and twelve-fifteen
and arrived possibly an hour and a half afterwards. I feel that if this was an
organized mob they would have planted the house for fifteen or thirty days and
they would know that the family was never stayed at the house on a Tuesday night
so it is reasonable to believe that sometime between 10:30 on Tuesday morning
and the time this crime was committed, someone connected with either of the two
families by reason of employment could have acted as the finger for this job.
Mr. Nathan: Was anyone else informed of the change of plans except the
Col. Schwarzkopf: About eight o'clock that evening, approximately that
time, the Lindbergh's were in communication with the Breckinridges but had not
been during the day. Colonel Lindbergh was scheduled to make a talk in New York
that night and he tells me that unintentionally he completely forgot that talk
and returned home. The people expecting him got in touch with Colonel
Breckenridge and asked him where Colonel Lindbergh was and Colonel Breckenridge
in turn called Colonel Lindbergh.
Mr. Nathan: Was there a typographical error in the letter from the bank
where Col. Lindbergh was scheduled to talk?
A. We have not gone into that.
Inspector Walsh: Another important fact connected with this, and I am
speaking with reference to ap hone call responsible for the nurse's going there
is this, She was keeping company with Henry (Red) Johnson, former sailor and
former resident of Englewood. On Monday she played cards with him at the Morrow
home and had an appointment with him for Tuesday, unaware of the fact that she
would be summoned to Hopewell; when she received the summons to Hopewell she mad
an effort to communicate with him immediately but was unable to do it but she
communicated with the woman where he roomed and left a message, that is the only
call she made she stated from the time she left for Hopewell and until 8:15 or
8:20 that evening she heard nothing of Johnson at which time he called her at
Hopewell. I interviewed Betty Gow personally and I found that during the Colonel
and Mrs. Lindbergh's flight to Japan and China she was in sole possession of
this child and she had not been visited by any member of the Morrow family and
she could have walked away with it, she had complete charge of it for forty days
on account of the flue epidemic. Another important fact is that the butler or
cook, Ollie Whately was there on this night as was his wife and at times that
Colonel Lindbergh was not there he was in the habit of taking people through the
house. Henry Johnson, the former sweetheart of Betty Gow has been to Hopewell on
at least three occasions. The house is a big house and it is an easy matter for
anyone standing just a short distance from the house to conceal himself and
become acquainted with the movements of the family by reason of the fact that
now window in the house has shades or curtains. The house is not yet completed
and was not completely occupied by the family and they had only partially moved
in and the matter of shades and curtains was not finished and as a consequence
the house is wide open and anyone can look in and you cannotsuccessfully conceal
yourself or your movements in the house from anyone outside. We feel that is
significant because while one theory is it was an inside job, at the same time
with this curtain or shade proposition it is easy to observe everything going on
in the house and it is not necessarily an inside job. The phone is located in
the pantry and if I remember rightly it was about 8:20 or between 8 and 9,
Johnson merely called to find out why Betty went to Hopewell and merely to say
good bye before he went to Hartford to see his brother. A lot of people place a
lot of significance on Johnson, the possibility that he was involved but from
the time of his arrest up to and including a week or two after his arrival on
Ellis Island, no one appeared, no one offered any help, no one applied as his
lawyer, no one made any attempt to obtain any habeas corpus writs and I take
from that the best evidence of the fact that no one on the outside was in any
way fearful of any squeal Johnson might make and I understand it is only
recently he has been supplied with counsel.
Mr. Nathan: Johnson's character is what?
A. Comparatively decent. He has been finger printed three times and we find no
record and the Gow girl has been investigated and there is the complete history
of the Gow girl in our possession from her childhood up.
Col. Schwarzkopf: The Gow girl has only been in this country three years
and her record was further checked by Major Schoeffel in England, the same way
with the Watley's.
Inspector Walsh: With regard to the location of the house * as near as I
can judge, the nearest house is about one half mile away from it. The entrance
drive is supposed to be three thousand feet and right at the entrance to their
property is a house across the road. If Colonel Lindbergh came out of the house
and surprised the kidnappers, they could have got him with a machine gun and the
next door neighbor would not have heard the shot.
Mr. Nathan: Could a note have been left on the window sill, inside, by
anyone leaving from the window with the wind that was blowing?
A. Maj. Schoeffel: That night between 8 and 11 there was not much of a
wind but from then on it was bitter cold and it was windy.
Inspector Walsh: The house, during its course of construction had some
120 employees working there and everyone has been checked, every parolee has
been checked from every institution around there including all mental cases.
Nothing further was heard from the kidnappers until Saturday, March 5th, when a
secret ransom note was received, addressed to Colonel Lindbergh and this ransom
note, in substance, said "You did not follow our instructions, you notified
the police, we had to take someone else in, we are raising the ransom from fifty
to seventy thousand dollars, the baby is well, and that is about the substance
of the note and this note was mailed in Brooklyn on Marc 4th and was received
Saturday, March 5th. The next point may have some significance * on Sunday March
6th an Italian clergyman, he might be a priest or spiritualist, together with a
fortune teller arrived in Princeton and wanted to talk to Colonel Lindbergh, and
Colonel Breckenridge went over and talked to them. They started in apparently on
a fortunetelling proposition, yet it was noticeable that at certain phases of
their conversation, they would make inquiry as to whether a note had been
received. Colonel Breckenridge not of course wanting to reveal any information
said no. They made inquiry as to who opened the mail that was received at the
house and I don't know whether they were told the police were opening it or a
detail opening it, at least they got the impression that someone other than the
family was opening the personal mail. They said you will receive a message in
the near future. They made statements as to the condition of the child being
well being in an old unpainted house in the attic with high windows through
which the sun poured in and in good care, within four and one half to five miles
of the Lindbergh house pointing in a south-westerly direction. Some significance
was placed in them, particularly two days later when another note was received,
mailed on the seventh and received on the 8th, addressed to Colonel Breckenridge
at his New York office and asking him to deliver it to Colonel Lindbergh, mailed
this time from Madison Square section of New York City from Station
Mr. Nathan: In these notes, was there a code?
A. No. There here, we have copies of them and they will be shown to you It is
the usual story of a fakir to talk about receiving a message.
Col. Schwarzkopf: With reference to all of the ransom notes, the water
mark on the paper was the same, they were small envelopes, 5th Avenue linen, a
writing paper that can be purchased in any of the five and ten cent stores.
First and second notes shown to all present.
Col. Schwarzkopf: The third note says: Dear Sir: Did you receive our letter
from March 4th. We put the mail in one of the letter boxes near Boro Hall,
Brooklyn. We know police interfere with your private mail, how can we come to
any arrangements this way, in the future we will send out mail to Mr.
Breckenridge at 25 Broadway. We believe police captured our letter and did not
forward it to you, we will not accept any go between from you we will arrange
this later. There is no worry about the boy, he is very well and will be feed
according to the diet (etc.). We are interested to send your boy back in good
health (etc), (and then they go ahead and repeat practically what was in the
second letter about the ransom about the different denominations of the bills
and state they warn you not to mark any bills nor take them from one serial
number. This was the third letter received). The one way to communicate with
these people was by means of advertisement and it was right after this time that
Dr. Condon came in to the picture. Dr. Condon placed an advertisement in the
Bronx Home News, an open letter and offered to act as intermediary and promising
to add his life savings to the ransom if he were appointed as intermediary, he
did that entirely on his own initiative. On March 9th a letter was mailed to Dr.
Condon. In the mean time there were several circumstances which appeared to be
communications from the kidnappers but there is no need to go
In the mean time there were several circumstances which appeared to be
communications from the kidnappers but there is no need to go into any detail on
Mr. Nathan: Does the Bronx paper mentioned have any circulation?
A. They have a very considerable circulation in the Bronx. We have gotten a
report, I think about 160,000.
Mr. Nathan: If you wanted to communicate with the kidnappers, would it
not seem to you the best thing to do would be use some other larger newspaper?
A. Correct, however, the Bronx Home News was the one the doctor had written for
and he did have a direct contact with this paper, and he went to his own
Col. Schwarzkopf: Following that advertisement and as the doctor says two or
three telephone calls which he now says were with "John," the man with
whom he dealt, he received a letter, this letter which was mailed on March 9th
and which reads in part as follows: Dear Sir: If you are willing to act as go
between in Lindbergh case, study instructions, hand the enclosed letter to Mr.
Lindbergh, it will explain everything do not tell anyone about it as soon as we
find out the press or police is notified everything are cancelled and it will be
a further delay. After you get the money from Mr. Lindbergh, put them three
words in the New York American "Money is Ready", after that we will
give you further instructions, do not be afraid, we are not out for your
thousand dollars, keep it only act strictly, be at home every night between six
and twelve, by this time you will hear from us. That did not contain the cut but
inside the envelope was enclosed a letter addressed to Colonel Lindbergh and
this one does have the signature on it, that was mailed on March 9th, Dr. Condon
came down on March 10th.
Mr. Nathan: At that time had Rosner entered the case.
A. It was about this time.
Col. Schwarzkopf: The baby was kidnapped on a Tuesday night. On Wednesday
Ruth Pratt, Congresswoman got in touch with Colonel Bill Donovan and said you
must put Morris Rosner on that case, she recommended it to Bill Donovan and Bill
Donovan then recommended the introduction of Mr. Rosner and Rosner was brought
down by Mr. Thayer. Rosner was vouched for by two United States Senators and was
supposed to have done some under cover work for the Department of Justice for
two years and was supposed to have been a very reputable man, he never double
crossed either the under world or the over world as it were and a man that could
be depended upon. He was to be the contact man. Subsequently it was decided in
private conferences by the family in which the police was not included. We did
not know him except that Colonel Lindbergh told us Rosner was all right, we
looked at him and thought maybe he was a gangster, we were told no that he was
vouched for. He was always in the inner circle of the family, knew the early
developments of the case and saw the first and second and third letters; at one
time taking either the first or second letter to New York with one or two
Troopers in an automobile, this is a long time ago I may be vague on some
details, Rosner had a copy of the note and he delivered that to Colonel
Breckenridge who showed it to Owney Madden, Spitale and
Bitz, all before the
Conodon letter. It was on this occasion Madden advised Breckenridge not to show
any more notes to anyone including himself.
Mr. Nathan: Have Mrs. Pratt and Colonel Donovan seen the note?
A. Not that I know of.
Inspector Walsh: the positive identification that is afforded on each one
of these notes is that when these notes are super imposed, these three holes fit
one another in each instance including the ransom note, the first and second
note, the Condon note and right down the line every note that had been received
with the signature, these three holes when put over one another those three
holes are one over the other. They are free hand drawings and it was a copy made
by Counselor Thayer that had been given to Rosner. The holes in these notes are
the same as would be made with a ten penny nail. The size of the paper varies,
some is on wider paper but the holes are exactly in the same place.
Mr. Nathan: When Rosner had the note in his possession, he was
accompanied by Troopers at all times?
A. At not time that we know of was he in sole possession of the note. He had
Troopers going up with him, he handed the note to Colonel Breckenridge,
[pictured below] the copy
he has had and the copy he still has but the original was at not time in his
sole possession.
Inspector Walsh: Here is something again significant, they can draw a
diagram of the package in which the money is to be put and if you notice the
hidden lines are quite properly shown by dotted lines and it is a very decent
perspective, a great deal more so than the average person would be able to make.
It is a further indication of some quality on the part of the kidnapper because
it is a very decent perspective and it shows some knowledge of mechanical
drawing by the hidden lines. In this letter they designate Dr. Condon as the go
between, they state give him seventy thousand dollars, make one pack, 6 x 7 x 14
inches, that makes it a little larger package, they state we have notified you
already in what kind of bills, we have warned you to set no trap in any way,
etc. And they go on * After we have the money in hand we will tell you where to
find your boy, you may have an airplane ready, and they ask for a delay of eight
hours. At that time further advertisements were put in the paper trying to
establish contact. The words were put in * "Money is Ready" but other
things were added to it in the New York American, that was the paper designated.
The result of that was the fifth letter which was delivered to Dr. Condon by a
taxi driver known as (Pinella ?_), he told him the circumstances under which he
had receied it, a man stopped him at 188th St., and the man told him to deliver
it which he did. In this letter they say * in part, Mr. Condon, we trust you but
we will not come in your house, it is too danger even you cannot know if police
or secret service is watching you, follow these instructions: Take the car and
drive one hundred feet from the last station where there is an empty frankfurter
stand you will find a note underneath a stone, act accordingly. After three
quarters of an hour be on the place, bring the money with you. (And as I pass
this note around I would like you gentlemen to note the way the 3/4 is written
which is typically a craftsman's way of writing it. The description the taxi
driver gives of the man who gave him the letter accords pretty well with the
doctor's description of "John". The Doctor took Al. Reich, followed
these instructions went to the point they designated and under a stone placed
where they says, they found a piece of paper which reads follow the fence, etc.,
(I will let you gentlemen read this). This was two or three days after this
letter of the 9th which was received on Saturday, about the 19th of March. That
night Dr. Condon went out there, he got to Woodlawn cemetery, followed these
instructions and got to the corner of Jerome Ave and 233rd St., and stayed
around there for fifteen or twenty minutes and said in a loud voice to Al Reich
(Al is a former boxer * about 12 or 15 years ago he was good but is now somewhat
punch drunk and is a continuous associate of the doctor, he is actually a body
guard.) He said in a loud voice * "Well I am not going to wait any longer,
I am going home." having no intention at the time of doing so and he looked
up and at the cemetery gate saw a handkerchief waving at him. (This gate and
surroundings drawn on blackboard by Col. Schwarzkopf). The cemetery gates *
there are three of them, two of them are eight feet high and the center gate is
between 10 and 12 feet high with pickets on top of it and a bar across the
center. The doctor met John and they started a conversation, it was in this
conversation that he found out the man's name. While talking to John, a cemetery
guard came along, John heard him coming so he sprints up, put his feet on the
cross bar and vaults over this fence and runs across 233rd St. with the doctor
running after him and calling him. There is a traffic semaphore at this corner
of Van Courtland park and there is a workman's house in the park with a bench
here (indicating). All along the cemetery are lights. John started for the trees
in the park and the doctor was calling for him to stop, John slowed down and
actually stopped about here (indicating). The doctor said he did not run like an
athlete, we have a pretty good description of him, the doctor came up to him and
said why are you running away, if you walk and talk no one will pay any
attention, when you run the police will come and catch you and convinced John
that he should take things easy and they sat down on this bench.
Mr. Nathan: Are you convinced that Condon is on the level?
A. No. (Inspector Walsh).
Inspector Walsh: You will notice in the note that house is spelled wrong
and "gut" and Dr. Condon says you will know this man if you ever meet
him by the way he talks for instance, he cannot say perfect but always says
perfet and doctor is doctor and it would lead you to believe that John is one
and the same person that wrote the letter and the man that exhibited himself.
Mr. Nathan: Presumably the baby was dead at the time these negotiations
were going on and the body may have been found at any moment, yet they were
carrying on negotiations for the payment of money?
A. There was a lot of press activity and if the body had been found, extras
would have been out on the street and they would have been notified almost
immediately, they knew where the body was and it was a cinch for them to go up
there with a feeling of security that the body was there five miles from the
Lindbergh home, they could have gone there and found that out for themselves and
got back to New York in an hour and a half without any trouble. The broken
ladder may be responsible for the baby's death, the ladder may have fallen on
top of the baby.
Mr. Nathan: Would there not have been a noise?
A. Evidently there was a noise. Colonel Lindbergh called the attention of his
wife to a noise and when they go out here is this ladder with the broken spiral
after the kidnapping and again they could have muffled the baby's mouth and
suffocated it while doing it, they may have spent the rest of the time out from
the house trying to revive the baby.
Mr. Nathan: Did the autopsy show the head had been crushed?
A. Compound fracture, both sides all the way around the skull. The feature about
it was that the skull was not compressed, it seemed to be more or less of a
clean break and some instrument of great weight must have hit it as there was no
splintering. There are twenty-nine employees at the Englewood estate and we took
statements from every one of them at an early stage of the investigation and
everyone checked with the exception of one girl and we will go over her again
tomorrow, she does not know where she was the night of the kidnapping and she
gives you no means of checking her story. Whoever took the child certainly knew
that the baby was there and probably knew that no one was with the child at that
time. Colonel Lindbergh said the other day that Mrs. Lindbergh did not know what
she was going to do until 11:30 that morning when she called Betty Gow and told
her to come down.
Col. Schwarzkopf: There followed after that a few notes where e.g. they
asked for a code, the family asked for a code through an advertisement and they
sent back word they were not going to give them a code and they asked for
positive identification and they sent back to Dr. Condon the sleeping suit, a
Dr. Denton #2 sleeping suit which was the same kind that the baby had worn the
same night the baby had been taken away, however, this suit had one button off
and it had apparently been washed and was not accepted as conclusive, it was
accepted as being the same kind of a suit but as being the suit, there was
nothing to positively identify it.
Mr. Nathan: The same people knew about the Dr. Denton sleeping suit?
A. I don't think Rosner knew that.
Col. Schwarzkopf: Following Owney Madden's suggestion, Rosner did not
know of Dr. Condon's contact, he saw letters one, two and three and no more.
This correspondence went on for some time, there followed letters 6, 7, and 8
then came letter No. 9 and I might say there that Colonel Lindbergh's financial
advisors told him you have to take a chance some time, they were Mr. Bartow,
Vice President of Pierpont Morgan's, Mr. Davidson and Mr. Lamont, they said you
cannot control this situation because they have the baby, you will have to meet
them somewhere along the line and the Colonel finally told me that he felt if he
was going to meet their terms, he wanted to do it as quickly as possible and
find out where he stood and if it was a double cross he wanted to know it and
the advertisement was put in the New York paper for the pay off and then this
note was sent to Dr. Condon, (this letter read by Col. Schwarzkopf). In the mean
time a letter was received telling them if the money is not paid by April 8th,
they will increase it to one hundred thousand dollars and that was one of the
points that decided the Colonel and he said if I am going to do it before April
8th I might as well do it now and on the night of April 2nd, again a Saturday
night, this letter was left at Dr. Condon's home by a taxi driver who is not
known, we know the first one (This letter read by Col. Schwarzkopf). Colonel
Lindbergh went with Dr. Condon who followed out the instructions in the note he
stopped the car in front of the nursery the doctor went and got a letter and
went across the street to Wittemore Avenue, the Colonel where he was sitting
could hear a voice calling out. Right at that point there is a curve,
(designating on black board). The doctor saw John, who was standing near a new
grave where we got a good foot print. There is a hedge fence about six feet
high. The doctor talked to John about hard times and he agreed to take $50,000
instead of $70,000 and asked where the money was. Dr. Condon stated it was in
the car, so the doctor walked back to the car and said to Colonel Lindbergh take
$20,000 out and handed the doctor the box especially made for this purpose and
the doctor took the box and walked away and gave it to John, he handed it over
the hedge, the doctor shook hands with John and he said thank you very much for
all you have done, you have been perfet in this arrangements, he recognized it
was John by his talk. He said to them at this time you must tell me where we can
get the baby and they said we will let you know, he said no you must tell me and
John said I will have to talk to my partners and he went off to two men standing
in the background some distance off and he came back and said all right if you
will promise not to open this for two hours I will give you a letter telling you
where the baby is * this letter stated the boy is on the boat
"Nellie", 28 ft long, two persons on the boat, between Gay Head and
Elizabeth Island, they rode around for a while and Dr. Condon opened it up about
3/4 of an hour afterward and Col. Lindbergh made arrangements to fly over the
place and no such boat was there, this is all we know about the case and there
has been no communication with the kidnappers.
Inspector Walsh: On May 12th, the body of a child was found in a bad
state of decomposition. The county physician says it could get in that condition
for between two and three months, depending upon the weather. During that time
we had several snow storms, plenty of rain lots of wind and warm and cold days.
When the baby was found it had a shirt on which absolutely matched the shirts
which the baby wore in size, label, etc., it had a home made shirt on which was
positively identified by Betty Gow by the material and embroidery.
Mr. Nathan: Any physical marks to identify the baby?
A. About ten or twelve. The identification of the baby was made by Colonel
Lindbergh, the description of the body found matches closely to that of the
doctor who attended the baby prior to the kidnapping, about two weeks before it
was kidnapped. The hair taken from the body and some of the hair the baby had
has been analyzed by a chemist as to size, color, etc and he says they are
identical, the physicial characteristics, the turning under of the toes and
right (fontenel ?) absolutely check.
Mr. Nathan: Where any of the bills paid as ransom turned up anywhere?
A. Yes. Two.
Q. Where?
A. Both in New York City. There was a twenty-dollar bill located in a Savings
Bank at Eightieth St, discovered about twenty-four hours after having been
deposited and Mr. Madden had a great many depositors to interview and was
unsuccessful in tracing same.
Mr. Madden: The Five dollar bill was deposited in a Bronx Trust Co., on Wall St.
It was deposited by the Schraf Candy Co who have six different stores and had
put their deposits all together and they were included in this one deposit.
Mr. Wilson: There are one or two things about the twenty dollar bill, the bill
was discovered in the possession of a man who drew $47.00 in interest money as I
recall it about eleven o'clock Tuesday morning following the Saturday night the
ransom was paid but it appeared quite clear that the bill got into the bank
between nine o'clock Monday morning and eleven o'clock Tuesday morning so a
record was obtained of every depositor who had deposited funds in that bank
between those hours whose deposits were in excess of $20.00 and it was
impossible to determine from the currency notation just what denominations were
making up the deposits, as I recall it there were about 75 people who had
deposited currency in excess of $20.00 between those hours. Interviewed all of
those people and interviewed the persons suggested by them.
Mr. Nathan: Nothing since in the way of a bill?
A. No. The name of the people suggested by depositors were turned over to the
police commissioner and just how far they checked I do not know.
Mr. Nathan: Did the police make any formal record of this report?
A. They have a record of the personal interview.
Mr. Nathan: Of course you gentlemen are convinced that Condon is straight?
A. (Inspector Walsh): No, this is only what I hear, I do not know whether it is
the truth but I understand he has been arrested on two or three complaints of
corrupting the morals of minors and another sex case or carnal abuse. We were
four-and-one-half hours getting his story from him.
Mr. Nathan: I cannot get it through my head, the nerve of these people, knowing
the child's body is there where it was found and at the same time negotiating
for the money?
A. Inspector Walsh: I think that part is easy, it was easy for them to go and
verify the place where the body was found and return to New York in a short
Mr. Nathan: I wonder why Condon would work through the columns of a newspaper?
A. Condon has been writing for the newspapers for a number of years.
Mr. Nathan: I think if I were advertising I would go to the paper with the
largest circulation in New York.
Mr. Nathan: Is there any question about a demented child in the Morrow family?
A. No, that has been brought up a number of times.
Inspector Walsh: Getting back to the thumb guard which was found about three
thousand feet from the house, this guard was fastened on the outside of the
garment, only one was found and we feel the garment was taken off there as the
guard was fastened over the garment and tied fairly tight and if the garment was
taken off there the baby was dead when it was taken off.
Mr. Nathan: How do you account for the thumb guard out of the car?
A. We don't figure there was a car there, if there was one, we figure it was
outside the gateway to his home.
Mr. Wilson: On all suspects that are investigated or taken in the custody of
police, careful inspection should be made of any money on them.
There was a suggestion made that we stop publicity on any further bills
Major Schoeffel: When this baby was taken it had on a double diaper and rubber
pants fastened with two heavy safety pins, they are missing and have never been
found and I might say that the ladder will fit into a Chevrolet, Dodge or any
light sedan, will fit inside.
Major Schoeffel took up the matter of publishing the note to all police
departments, without the symbol and this was agreed upon, however, Mr. Nathan
stated that it would mean a great deal of work as lots of people would be
writing in again.
Police Conference held at the Training School on Wednesday, June 1st, 1932
The following were present: Colonel H. Norman
Schwarzkopf, Colonel Chas. A. Lindbergh, Mr. Frank Wilson, Treasury Department, Inspector Harry W. Walsh, Lieutenants
R.A. Snook and A.T. Keaten, N.J. State Police; the following suggestions were noted.
1. The whole assemblage was convinced that one man wrote all the ransom notes.
2. It is more likely that he is a German than anything else and the whole assemblage was convinced of the strong German influence and German education.
3. All were more or less convinced that this man has had previous experience which is borne out by the methods he used and the cool deliberation which he has demonstrated all the way through.
4. He has some knowledge of drawing.
5. All were convinced he has better than ordinary education.
6. He has a vivid imagination.
7. He shows a lot of ingenuity.
8. He has a good knowledge of criminal methods; referring particularly to the reference to the serial numbers; other knowledge of the psychology of Colonel Lindbergh and other people, in saying not to notify the police and in saying, "you have notified the police", etc. and in selecting a man like Condon.
9. An excellent ability to construct letters as brought out in Osborn's report. The construction of those letters, to get his ideas across is extraordinary. He can say a lot in a few words.
10. Evidence of higher education by conveying information by asking questions.
11. It is not thought he built a ladder like the one used before because of what occurred. It is quite evident that he did not test the ladder before using it as evidenced by the breaking of the ladder.
12. Criminal experience is shown by continued negotiations in spite of the heat.
13. There is no question but what he has a great deal of nerve and courage.
14. From his description of places and instructions as to the meeting places, he evidently has a thorough and intimate knowledge of the Bronx.
15. Another confirmation of his mental faculties is the reference to Horse Neck Beach ,which is not a nautical method of giving directions, but would indicate rather, his reference to a map.
16. He did not display a particular definite knowledge of Hopewell and vicinity.
17. The body was found at the first reasonable place where it could be disposed of and where he could park off the side of the road after leaving the Lindbergh Estate.
18. The use of the newspaper as a means of communicating with him again indicates experience.
19. Ingenuity was displayed on the third letter by addressing it to Colonel Breckinridge and putting a return address on it of Colonel Lindbergh, Hopewell, N.J.
20. It was the consensus of opinion of the group to hold up the original note and to publish in some expeditious manner the signature.
21. He showed calmness and foresightedness in taking the sleeping suit off the dead child for use later as a means of identification,
knowing that he could not produce proof of the living existence of the child.
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