The Lindbergh Kidnapping Hoax
Charlie's 14 drops of VIOSTEROL
Was there something "wrong" with Charles Lindbergh, Jr.?
Forensic Evidence of Charlie's Corpse Was Removed By Lindbergh Family
Pediatrician Dr. Van Ingen's letter to Charlie's grandmother, Elizabeth Morrow, a week before his corpse was discovered by truck driver William Allen.
On March 3, 1932, a list of Charlie's diet appeared on the front page of every newspaper, supposedly, at the request of Anne Morrow Lindbergh though it is uncertain whose idea it really was to advertise the child's diet:
A half cup of orange juice on waking.
One quart of milk during the day.
Three tablespoons of cooked cereal morning and night.
Two tablespoons of cooked vegetables once a day.
The yolk of one egg daily.
One baked potato or rice once a day.
Two tablespoons of stewed fruit daily.
A half cup of prune juice after the afternoon nap.
Fourteen drops of
a vitamin preparation, during the day.
Viosterol Leaflet: (not shown in photo)
Periodic examination of your growing child by your physician is not only of immediate
benefit but preserves physical fitness by preventing the development of diseases
which damage progressively with the passing years.
In the end, it also saves money.
Your baby's feeding problems are different from those of other babies,
and in fact vary at different times.
Your physician is the only qualified adviser in these matters
which vitally affect your baby's health and future.
Each night Charlie's thumbs were forced into metal cages (see photo below) and the blanket was pinned down to the mattress with large safety pins.
This was thought to be the proper method for preventing thumbsucking in babies though Charlie was almost 2 years old by this time.
The second thumbguard has never been found. The guard shown in the photo was discovered by Betty Gow and Elsie Whately
during a stroll on the mile-long path to the Lindbergh Estate where Charlie disappeared a few weeks earlier. It was lying in the middle of the lane and, mysteriously, had not been noticed until then.
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